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Laboratory Animal Science Course - Practical module ENGLISH

This module qualifies in combination with a theory module for working in animal experiments (EU Function A+D). 

The one-day module covers the most common experimental methods (handling, application and blood collection techniques, euthanasia) in mice. Minimum number of participants is 3. Dates are available upon request.

We offer:
- Training in small groups
- High key supervision by experienced instructors
- Safe training environment
- English as course language

Course fees/person:

- Nutzergruppe 1: 723,00 € (Technische Universität München)
- Nutzergruppe 2: 1003,00 € (MPI für Biochemie / Psychiatrie / Neurobiologie / Ornithologie, LMU München, ROB,        Städtisches Veterinäramt München, Universität Augsburg)
- Nutzergruppe 3: 1164,00 € (Others)